5 Tips To Supercharge Your Social Media Engagement

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Having a bunch of reps to sweet-talk your prospects goes a long way for a business. While providing value is equally important, let us just stick to the social media engagement for now.

Treat it as a dinner party. You welcome people; encourage conversation between the host and the guest. And the next thing you know, they become your customers!

It is the part of the conversation that is the toughest. You have to make meaningful connections and satiate their needs to boost your brand. Unfortunately, the surge of social platforms coupled with companies’ hyper-marketing efforts has resulted in a highly competitive digital climate.

According to Statista, internet users spend about 144 minutes on social media each day. Statista also reveals that 3.6 billion people are using social media globally, and the number will rise to 4.41 billion by 2025. Hence, you may end up losing a considerable fraction of your potential customers by keeping it low-key on social media.

If you are having a hard time working out an effective social media engagement strategy, we might have some solutions for you.
Below, we have listed five tips to supercharge your social media engagement:

1. Post Valuable Content

Content that pays attention to the needs of your prospects is critical. While you are on it, make sure you talk about worthy topics and not merely your company. Although creating content and telling people how you stand out is essential, it should not go overboard.

It could be a poll on Twitter or a video that makes people laugh. A meme meant to lighten up the audience is also much appreciated. The point being, you must post content that will receive a positive reaction from the people.

To capture the audience’s attention marketers prefer doing video marketing on social media platforms. However, National Geographic, the second most-followed brand channel on Instagram, shows us how to do it the right way.

By giving its photographers creative control, the content of this portal is unique and authentic. This grabs the attention of the prospects, compelling them to probe more.

2. Conduct Question & Answer Sessions

One of the ground rules to enhance your social media marketing is to get social.

When customers leave a query in the inbox, you must cater to them. Having a Q&A session online is a great way to provide prospects with all the answers they are looking for. If you can remove their doubts and spark discussions on topics of their interest, they feel valued.

We are living in an age where customers are usually on the go. Your competitors are only a few clicks away. It is integral to have a dedicated customer response team that reacts to every question within a jiffy. Simultaneously, having live chats with the audience on Facebook or Instagram is an aspect you shouldn’t ignore.

As per Microsoft, 96% of consumers believe that customer service is crucial in their loyalty to a brand. A session where you wholeheartedly offer advice and responses to your customers can make oodles of difference in your sales.

3. Design Visual Posts

According to Buffer, tweets with images get 150% more retweets than tweets with any photos. Attractive imagery can be a fun way to make your post stand out or share a joke about the product/service.

You can also reveal behind-the-scenes of your organization to make people feel more involved. For instance, you can provide your followers with a photographic peek into the creative process behind your work. It could be the product photoshoot or packaging happening at your end. Using a video editing app for iOS or Android could help you create and refine the videos like a professional.

The audience, in the dynamic social age, doesn’t stop and read long passages quite frequently. Some people prefer a video over the written post. Meanwhile, some consume more via infographics. Combining images, videos, and GIFS is a staple style adopted by Dominos Pizza.

4. Use Relevant Hashtags

Using hashtags on social media can expand your reach, but only if you nail the right tactics.

Knowing how to use hashtags is fundamental to the success of a business on social media. A hashtag, essentially, is a keyword phrase preceded by a hash or the pound sign. They are great for tracking discussion around a specific topic and connecting with the people who are using it.

Coca-cola, for instance, sets a stellar example in this regard. They started their #ShareACoke campaign that attracted people from across the globe. Each post that connects to Coca-cola in this campaign can easily pop up on Instagram when you type this hashtag.

Nonetheless, you should pay heed to the number of hashtags and relevance. Over-usage and ineffective hashtags can take your entire campaign down the drain. Dan Zarella discovered that tweets with one or more hashtags are 55% more likely to get retweeted.

A successful hashtag strategy is your ultimate pathway to soaring ranks in social channels.

5. Run Giveaways and Contests

Reward psychology has always paid off well to the companies. When you claim you will be giving gifts or valuable prizes to people if they share or make a move in your favor, it dramatically encourages people. They are happier to get involved with a brand, which means they will get something from the business.

If you read the description of the giveaway provided above, you will find several ways to win. But the chance of winning doubles if you sign up to their email list.

This and some incredibly creative contests on social media in the past tell us how competitions are a great way to increase the buzz around a brand. A necessary heads-up before you drive on this road is to take care of the legal requirements. Make sure you know all laws and regulations associated with such measures.

Wrapping it up

After scanning the listed methods, we hope you can ignite your social media campaign with a creative twist. It is about time you let go of the obsolete methods. Instead, start working on measures that are far more valuable.

We hope our blog helped you gain insight in this regard. Let us know about your next move!

Author Bio:

Marry Warner is a Freelance writer by day and sports fan by night. She writes about tech education and health-related issues. Live simply, give generously, watch football, and a technology lover. Currently, she is associated with Setalks.

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